Minutes From Hamlin Township Board Meeting 1/9/97 UNofficial web page
You will see the initials RC AA MC throughout this document. They mean Roll Call (RC); All Approve (AA); Motion Carried (MC). This is how it appears on the Township Minutes. Some motions do not require a roll call, just an "all in favor say Aye". 
REGULAR MEETING                                                   January 9, 1997
The Hamlin Township Board met Thursday, January 9, 1997 at 7:30 p,m. at the Hamlin Townhall.
Present: Griffith, Lewis, Anderson, Voelker. Absent: Petersen. Approximately 12 in attendance including B. Forgue, K. Lemke Ms. Griffith called the meeting to order and then led the Pledge to the Flag.
On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Anderson, the Minutes of the December 12,
1996 meeting were approved as written. AA MC
On the MOTION of Anderson, supported by Voelker, the Minutes of the December 30,
1996 Special Meeting were approved as written. AA MC
The Treasurer's Report through December, General Fund: $289,679.78 was approved on
the MOTION of Lewis, supported by Voelker. RC AA MC
Budget Amendments totaling $1,400 in an increase in revenues was approved on the
MOTION of Lewis, supported by Voelker. RC AA MC
Bills totaling $15,358.23 were approved for payment on the MOTION of Voelker,
supported by Lewis. RC AA MC
Fire Department:
1) Two firemen will attend Fire Fighter I school and four firemen will attend Fire Fighter II
school. The total cost is $85.
2) The Fire Department purchased a new E One Pumper at a cost of $186,971.00 and miscellaneous loose equipment at a cost of $7,130.00
3) Need to replace VCR. On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Anderson, the board approved the purchase of a new VCR at a cost not to exceed $170.00. RC AA MC
4) Cross Country Cable, Inc. will provide cable service to the fire department at no cost. A letter of thanks will be sent.
5) On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Anderson, the board approved the purchase of a large sled for ice rescue and miscellaneous loose equipment not to exceed a cost of $200.00. RC AA MC
6) There will be an ice rescue training at Lincoln Lake on January 25, 1997 with the Ludington Fire Department, Pere Marcluette and the Coast Guard.
7) Meeting with representatives for Air Packs will be held on January 20, 1997.
8) Runs for December, 1996:
11 Medical; 1 CO2 check ;1 Structure Fire ; for 13 Total runs in December; This makes a total of 120 calls for this year.
1) S. Armstrong reported that the tax roll is nearing completion - adjustments are about $4 million which does not affect taxable value.
Zoning Administrator:
1) Did not issue any permits in December.
Board of Review:
1) December Board of Review cleared up a couple of Homestead issues. S. Armstrong informed the board that Homestead problems/concerns cannot be heard in March - only heard in July. 
Planning Commission:
1) Met 1/8/97:
*Elected Officers: M. McCarthy-Chairperson; C. Miller-Vice Chair; W. Abrahamson-Secretary. *Held public hearing to recommend adopting an Article 16-Mobile Home Overlay District; include the recommendations from Progressive Engineering; and include an Article 15-Adult Businesses. All were approved and forwarded to Mason County.
*Discussed and took questions from the audience on the negative environmental impact regarding the plans Mr. Bowden and Mr. Towns have to develop a subdivision with a man made lake and a canal to gain access to Hamlin Lake.
*Next meeting February 5, 1997 at 7:00 p.m.
Zoning Board of Appeals: No Report - Did not meet in December.
Townhall & Grounds:
1) K. Griffith thanked Steve Vandervest, Vandervest Construction, on the great job he is doing of snowplowing.
Transfer Facility:
1) K. Griffith informed the board that the furnace at the facility is not working so she ordered a new radiant wall furnace from Bruce Mitchell at a cost of $400. Griffith apologized to the board for not confirming first but it was an emergency situation. The board agreed with Griffith and approved the purchase.
Letter from MCRC indicating the road work on Rath, Mavis and Lincoln that did not get finished will be a high priority this year.
Lake Board: No Report.
Lake Association: No report.
1) On the MOTION of Griffith, supported by Lewis, the item Tabled at the December 12 Regular Meeting regarding reviewing/approving the preliminary plat of Hamlin Lake Shores was approved subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions contained in the attached Resolution. The Board also reserved the right to express their concerns to the DEQ regarding the environmental impact to Hamlin Lake. Two letters were received indicating concern of the environmental impact this development would have on Hamlin Lake - one from Mr. Verne Beemer of Larchwood and the other from Tony Groves with Progressive Engineering. Mr. Peter Koikas was present at the meeting and he also voiced his concern. On the MOTION of Anderson, supported by Lewis, the board granted authority to K. Griffith to work with Progressive Engineering and the Township Attorney to write a letter to the DEQ listing suitable objections for environmental reasons regarding the proposed Lake Shores development proj ect.
2) K. Griffith informed the board that there is a problem with clearing title to the SunKist Cottage property. There are two wild deeds - one on the cottage itself and one on the Township Park. The board is pursuing removing the wild deeds.
1) On the MOTION of Griffith, supported by Voelker, the Board approved,  with A. Anderson abstaining because C. Anderson is her relative, a $.25 raise per hour and an additional $.50 per hour in compensation for not participating in the Township's insurance program for C. Anderson effective January 25, 1997. The Board commended C. Anderson on the great job she is doing. RC AA MC
2) K. Griffith indicated that a letter was received from Dave Kalina with the Unitarian Church asking us not to raise their rent. K. Griffith asked the board if we wanted to lower their rent to $50 for the month of January only then raising it back to $75. The Board felt that they were given adequate notice of the increase and it would not be fair to the others who rent the hall.
1) Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permits issued in the month of November from Mason County Drain Commissioner:
2) Mr. Kenneth Petersen has applied for a permit to add 18 posts to separate slips for a new 10 slip marina located at Bayou Street.
3) Permit issued from the State of Michigan to Scott MacLean to place no more than 30 cubic yards of clean fieldstone on filter fabric as riprap along 75 lineal feet of eroding shoreline located in Partridge Point Subdivision.
1) Karen Lempke of Beaune Road was in attendance and voiced her objections regarding placing adult businesses in the agricultural district. After discussion, K. Griffith will contact the Township's Attorney, Roger Anderson, and request his presence at the March meeting to answer public questions and concerns.
On theMOTION of Voelker, supported by Lewis, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25p.m. AA MC
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Lewis,  Clerk