Minutes From Hamlin Township Board Meeting 8/14/97 UNofficial web page  
The Hamlin Township Board met Thursday, August 14, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. at the Hamlin Townhail. Present: Griffith, Lewis, Anderson, Petersen, Voelker. Approximately 8 people in attendance.
Ms. Griffith called the meeting to order and then led the Pledge to the Flag. 
On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Petersen, the Minutes of the July 10, 1997 meeting were approved as written. AA MC 
The Treasurer's Report through July 1997, General Fund: $279,959.84 was approved on the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Lewis. RC AA MC 
Budget amendments totaling $8,400 in an increase in the following revenues was approved on the MOTION of Lewis, supported by Voelker:
Revenues 417 DEL PERSONAL PROP. TAX + 8,000.00 607.1 DEL ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 200.00 689 MISCELLANEOUS 200.00 + 8,400.00 RC AA MC 
Budget amendments totaling $200 in an increase in disbursements for account 802 - audit was approved on the MOTION of Lewis, supported by Voelker. RC AA MC 
Bills totaling $39,784.42 in the General Fund were approved for payment on the MOTION of Anderson, supported by Petersen. RC AA MC 
Bills totaling $1,375.59 in the Fire Operation Fund were approved for payment on the MOTION of Lewis, supported by Voelker. RC AA MC 
Fire Department: 1) On the MOTION of Petersen, supported by Lewis, the Board approved reimbursing the fire department to send one or two people to a vehicle extrication certification class at a cost of $75 per person. RC AA MC
2) On the MOTION of Lewis, supported by Voelker, the Board approved service to the new trucks by West Shore Fire Services which will also certify the pumps. RC AA MC
3) On the MOTION of Anderson, supported by Voelker, the Board approved the hiring of James Bogus as a volunteer firemen pending driving record clearance and physical. RC AA MC
4) On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Petersen, the Board accepted Time Emergency's bid of $1,540 for two new porta-tanks. RC AA MC
5) The Board discussed the possibility of purchasing new hand-held high band frequency radios. S. Vandervest will investigate further and report back to the board.
6) The Board also reviewed updating the fire building. S. Vandervest will pursue the electrical problems and cost of making the roof higher to accommodate the new trucks which will arrive in 2001, 2006, and 2009. 
1) S. Armstrong noted that a couple of the Land Divisions currently being worked on are taking an extreme amount of time due to incorrect surveying. He suggested that maybe the local surveyors should be trained on the proper way to survey for land divisions. 
Zoning Administrator:
1) July Land Use Permits (18) *A1 Plys, 6048 Barnhart Rd., rebuild & repair existing boathouse 24 x 18; *Mike DeVaney, 6825 W. Travis Dr., construct double wide on crawl 53 x 28; *Gary or Judith Cools, 4934 W. Maple St., construct garage on existing retaining wall 32 x 24; *Richard Catt, 7006 Windamere, construct 24" from grade deck with steps 18 x 20;*Jennifer Miller, 5414 N. Beaune Rd., construct single family dwelling w/partial finished basement 41 x 55; *Alexander Desancic, 5991 W. Davis Rd., construct addition to garage 12 x 24; *Andrea & Jeff Tomes, 5841 N. Lincoln Rd., construct single family dwelling w/full basement 49 x 56; *Ed Chmielewski, 5344 N. Beaune Rd., conslruct storage bldg. w/no side walls for animals 38 x 40; *Steve & Teri Canning, 6825 Jac~on RcL, construct post frame storage bldg. 44 x 32, variance granted; *Jim & Deb Kastein, 7039 Abrahamson Rd., construct addition to single family dwelling 22 x 12; *David Irwin, 6094 N. Sherman, add conservatory to existing log home 14 x 14; *David Machieta, end of Beaune Rd., constnlct single family dwelling w/attcd. garage wo finished basement 36 x 46 two story, variance granted; *Theresa Bartos, 6709 W. Middleton Rd., addition unfinished office area garage 16 x 20 & 20 x 24; *William Castonia, W. Ehler Rd., construct single family dwelling w/attchd service area on crawl 24 x 40; *James Arrington, 7298 W. M-116, construct wooden deck 8 x 16; *Joe Cain, 2342 Lakeshore Dr., construct garage 24 x 40; *Sue Krause, 6195 W. Jagger Rd., construct 4' high property line fence N & S on Jagger Rd., 3000 feet; *R. Peter Heyse, 1751 N. Lincoln Rd., construct pole bldg. 40 x 32 w/lean to 16 x 40. 
Planning Commission: No report - did not meet. 
Zoning Board of Appeals:
1) Met 8/11/97: * Mr. Patrick Barcelli, property #53-007-027-087-00, located at 3415 N. Lakeshore Dr., requested a variance to construct a 17 x 20 yard building within 9 1/2 ft. of his property line. The Ordinance requires a minimum side line setback of 12 feet. The proposed storage building is also within 18 inches of the Road Commission drain which our Ordinance requires a 10 foot setback from all easements and drainage ditches, etc. The Road Commission has approved Mr. Barcelli's request regarding the proximity to the drain. GRANTED
2) It was brought to the Board's attention the members of the Zoning Board of Appeals were not paid for the meeting in July. The Board had not received any request for payments indicating who was to have been paid. This error has been corrected and the Zoning Board of Appeals members present at the July meeting will be paid at the next Board of Trustees meeting in September. The Board apologized for the inconvenience. 
Townhall & Grounds:
1) K. Griffith indicated that bids for snowplowing will be placed in the Ludington Daily News. 
Transfer Facility:
1) Due to some concerns with Whitelake Landco Co., K. Griffith will look into finding another recycling/refuse carrier. 
Parks: 1) On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Lewis, the Board accepted Jabrocki Excavating bid to demolish the Sunkist Cottage with the understanding they have read the contract and will abide by it. RC AA MC
2) On the MOTION of Anderson, supported by Voelker, the Board approved hiring Progressive Architectural Engineering at a cost of $1,000 to create a concept drawing and hold two meetings with a traffic person and a park architectural person outlining the best possible usage of the Sunkist property/park. RC AA MC 
1) B. Forgue voiced her concern over the road work done on Beaune Road as to whether it was done correctly and to the expectations of the Township. The Board indicated that due to lack of funds, this was all that could be done with Beaune Road at this time and they will follow through to make sure it was done correctly. 
Lake Board:
1) The Lake Board held their meeting and discussed possible ways to shiftmonies around to build up the river banks for stabilization. Also, at the expense of the owners living on the Victory side of Hamlin Lake, paths from the peoples docks to the center of the lake will be created to avoid the wild rice which has grown very high. 
Lake Association:
1) On the MOTION of Petersen, supported by Voelker, the Board denied the request from the Lake Association asking the Township to donate $500 towards the fireworks display. The request was denied due to liability issues. K. Griffith will speak with township attorney about limiting liability. RC AA MC 
1) The Board tabled the discussion/ purchase of new tables for the townhall until further investigation is done regarding what would be the most practical to fit our needs.
2) The Board received Barb Beckstrom's letter refusing the Board's offer to split the cost of moving the Township's dock located near Edgewood Resort. The Board still feels the dock was replaced in the exact location and does not encroach on Ms. Beckstrom's riparian rights. The Board will wait for further notification from Ms. Beckstrom. 
1) The Board reviewed a request from Ken Ross regarding the installation of a street light at the intersection of Marilyn and Jagger Roads (Wildwood Court). He has offered to pay for the installation and one year usage cost. He is requesting the Township to take over payments after one year. On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Petersen, the Board denied this request due to the street light policy already in effect. Mr. Ross will be sent his check back along with a letter outlining the street light policy. AA MC
2) K. Griffith read a letter from George Lessens, WZZM TV-13, who is interested in interviewing people in Hamlin Township to be weather watchers. He is asking the Board for suggestions. One person the Board thought of is Robert Amsterburg. K. Griffith will ask him.
3) The Board was asked to review the Mason County Jail Proposal but it has already been placed on the ballot for the November 4 election.
4) The Board received two letters opposing slant drilling the state of Michigan wants to do under the State Park and Hamlin Lake. On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Anderson, the Board opposed slant drilling under the State Park, Hamlin Lake and Lake Michigan. Ms. Jena Parks with the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources will be sent a copy of tonight's meeting minutes showing our opposition. AA MC 
1) Minutes of the June/July Mason County Fire District Authority, Inc. regular monthly meetings are available upon request.
2) Two letters were received as a result of the recently mailed newsletter. One asking if something could be done about the misspelled traffic sign on Lincoln Road north of Dewey. The word "Pedestrian" is spelled incorrectly. The other letter was to inform the board that the newsletter is a welcomed addition to keeping people informed. 
1) Department of Environmental Quality approved revision of the MDEQ permits issued to Michael Meyer and Barbara Beckstrom.
2) A Department of Environmental Quality permit was issued in July to Farmers Marine & Home Construction, 5080 N. Beaune Road.
3) Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permits were issued to the following in the months of June/July: *Victor G. Wrublik, 6040 Beaune Rd.; *Debra Hulst/Robert Speiser, 5663 W. Pleasant Hill Rd.; *Edwin & David Dennison, 5622 W. Barnhart Rd.; *Benjamin & Kristin Korendyke, 6925 W. Abrahamson Rd.; *Daniel & Joan Firzlaff, 5943 Pleasant Hill Rd.; *David & Sally Dierks; *Andrew & Lori Riemer, 7039 Windamere; *David & Janice Machiela, Beaune Rd.; *Carl D.Carie/Bernard Carl Mathes, 4385 Ariel;*Michcon, N. Jebavy Dr.; *James & Marilyn Milan, 4941 W. Nurnberg Rd.; ~:; *William Carpenter & B. Boucher, 3353 N. Lakeshore Dr. 
On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Petersen, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. AA MC
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Lewis, Clerk