Minutes From Hamlin Township Board Meeting 10/8/98 UNofficial web page
Brought to you by Barbara Forgue (the Llama Lady), Hamlin Township Resident. 
You will see the initials RC AA MC throughout this document. They mean Roll Call (RC); All Approve (AA); Motion Carried (MC). This is how it appears on the Township Minutes. Some motions do not require a roll call, just an "all in favor say Aye". They are shown as AA MC. 
REGULAR MEETING                                      October 8, 1998

The Hamlin Township Board met Thursday, October 8, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. at the Hamlin Townhall. Present: Griffith, Lewis, Anderson, Petersen, Voelker. Approximately 16 people in attendance including B. Forgue, Dave, Kathy & Scott Maclean, M. & R. Rodriguez, B. Sadler, M. McCarthy
Ms. Griffith called the meeting to order and then led the Pledge to the Flag.

On the MOTION On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Anderson, the board approved the October 8, 1998 agenda with the addition of 1) reviewing /approving bids for garbage bags; 2)reviewing Road Commission's change of policy regarding non-certified roads; and 3) discuss the drilling work on oil rigs at night.  AA MC 

On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Petersen, he Minutes of the September 10, 1998 meeting were approved.AA MC 

The Treasurer's Report through September 30, 1998, General Fund: $343,442.31 was approved on the MOTION of Lewis, supported by Petersen.RC AA MC 
Budget Amendments Budget amendments totaling $5,750 in an increase in    revenues in the following accounts were approved on the MOTION of Lewis, supported by Voelker: ACCOUNT 424 - Tax Reverted Lands $50; 609 - Land Divisions $200;  625 - Zoning Permits-$50; 642 - Garbage Bags- $3,500;       665 - Interest-$1,500,  687 - Refunds/Rebates-$400; 689 - Miscellaneous-$50; = $5,750 RC AA MC 

Bills totaling $32,220.88 in the General Fund were approved for payment on the MOTION of Lewis, supported by Anderson. RC AA MC 

Bills totaling $4,252.29 in the Fire Operation Fund  were approved for payment on the MOTION of Lewis, supported by Voelker. RC AA MC 

Fire Department: 1) Rob Alway is officially on the fire dept.
2) H2S training will be held on October 19 at 7 p.m. at the Ludington Fire Station.
3) Reviewed bids for AED purchase. On the MOTION of Anderson, supported by Lewis, the Board approved additional monies needed to purchase the AED unit - total cost $3,849 which includes trainer, extra batteries and software for   computer. RC AA MC
4) I.C.S. class will be held October 10 and 11 in Ludington.
5) Runs for September: 6 medical and 1 p. i. totaling 7 runs.

Assessor: Stan Armstrong

1) The conversion from SAMS to Equalizer is coming along.There have been problems - and Stan and Kathy are now in the process of reevaluating each and every card for the conversion.
Zoning Administrator: Stan Armstrong
1) Sixteen (16) Land Use Permits were issued in September, with one being a replacement:
*Joy Roussin, 2914 N. Lincoln, DEMO, remove old residency;
*Doug Boulee, 6235 Shagway, addition of porch to new cottage 18 x 10 (replacement);
*James Shaffer, 6988 W. Sassafras, construct wood deck and walkway;
*John Reusch, 4169 Windamere, construct garage 36 x 24;
*Max Hanley, 5960 W. Decker, addition to single family dwelling over existing basement garage 27 x 16;
*Gary Cabot, 6862 W. Illinois, construct porches on existing structure, change roof to 4'12 pitch;
*Rene Timm, 5352 N. Ehler, double wide on basement 52 x 28;
*Darwin Dawson, 6150 Shagway, construct sunroom over existing deck 10x12;  *Randy Malliett, 5468 W. Oakridge Drive, single family dwelling w/attached garage and full basement;
*Randy Malliett, 1796 N. Jebavy, wood frame house, attach existing garage;     *James M. Wiley, 7137 W. Duneview, addition to single family dwelling;     *Jeffrey Brogren, 6809 W. Illinois, single family dwelling, doublewide on crawl 72 x 26;
*Jim/D'Anne Klug, 4125 N. Sherman, single family dwelling, doublewide on full basement;
*James McCrie, 6169 W. Davis, addition of sunroom to single family dwelling 16 x 20;
*John McNair, 6157 W. Davis, remove existing deck, construct new deck 12 x 20 extend concrete patio 12 x 20;
*Bernie Nevel, 6185 W. Davis, addition to single family dwelling 34 x 30.

Planning Commission:
1) Met 10/7/98:
*Mr./Mrs. Fred Engel, property #53-007-022-009-50, located at 6706 W. Dewey Rd., requested a special land use permit to maintain up to 18 rabbits on their property which is zoned R-1, low density residential. GRANTED

*Held limited discussion to change the ordinance to accommodate small farm animals in R-1 and R-2 - possibly adding a rural resident zone, limiting number of animals or the  type of animals.

2) Next meeting - November 4, 1998 - 7:00 p.m.
Zoning Board of Appeals:

 1) Met 9/28/98:
*Mr./Mrs. James Wiley, property #53-007-255-001-00, located at 7137 W. Duneview, requested two variances in order to complete an addition to an existing cottage. The first request was to be allowed to build within 21 feet of a canal of Hamlin Lake and the second request was to construct the proposed     addition 23 feet high from grade. BOTH GRANTED

Townhall & Grounds:1) Did not receive any snowplow bids - will seek out more,  possibly CIS, Jabrocki or Sorensen.
2) On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Lewis, the Board approved the purchase of an air cleaner for the office at a cost not to exceed $100. RC AA MC
3) On the MOTION of Anderson, supported by Petersen, the Board approved the purchase of a used Minolta copier for the office at a cost of $4,695.RC AA MC

Transfer Facility:1) Discussed the transfer site cost evaluation. On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Lewis, the Board approved Barnum's bid of $92.90 per 1000 garbage bags - ordering 25,000 from Barnum and to hold a public hearing at a later date to decide the fate of the transfer site. RC AA MC

Parks:1) Discussion was held concerning the sand being brought into the south park. Prein and Newhoff have assured us they are conducting the tests and the sand does not contain contaminants. 

Roads: 1) Discussed the list of roads outlined in the paper to be completed with the passage of the road millage. This list is tentative and it will further be defined with ball park figures.
2) K. Griffith indicated that the Road Commission apparently changed their policy regarding non-certified roads. They will now allow the township to contract for improvement and will accept roads without being paved.
3) Gary Dittmer indicated that Jagger road did not meet the population criteria for urban development funds - could possibly classify for other funding - he will look into it.
4) Kathy Griffith will write a letter to Jim Pinkerton voicing a complaint about the Road Commission purchasing a Dial-A-Ride bus with MDOT monies. Since Dial-A-Ride does not service the whole community, we feel the monies could have been used better where the whole community would benefit.

Lake Board: No report. 
Lake Association: No Report. 

OLD BUSINESS: 1) There has been some concern regarding the drilling work on
     oil rigs at night. Upon investigating, Kathy Griffith found out it's just a routine cleaning. Paraffin, a product of petroleum, coats the lines and they periodically have to be cleaned off.

NEW BUSINESS:1) Discussion was held on what fees the township should charge
when asked to fax information to people. The discussion was tabled to gather more facts before a decision is made and costs are determined.
2) Kasey Briske was present at the meeting and voiced a complaint regarding the portion of his hall rental deposit the township retained for damages. After a lengthy discussion, there seems to be some confusion over what was communicated to Mr. Briske. On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Lewis, the Board approved to split the cost for damages incurred. RC 4-ayes, 1-nay(A. Anderson), MC

CORRESPONDENCE :1) Received letter from Bresnan Communications requesting  Hamlin Township to consider consenting to the merger of its parent company, TCI, with AT&T. They will contact us further if a resolution needs to be passed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  1) DEQ Permit issued to:
*Walter Olmstead, Sr., Hamlin Lake, Middle Bayou.
2) Soil & Sedimentation Control Permits issued to:
*Robert/Caryl Ferguson, 2953 N. George Lane;
*George Buley, 6215 W. Davis Rd., Freesoil;
*Robert/Elizabeth Allard, 6078 Barnhart Road;
*Ronald/Carole Dykstra, 4907 Nurnberg Road.

On the MOTION of Lewis, supported by Voelker, the Board moved to a closed session at 9:30 p.m. at the request of the employee, Bill Sadler, to discuss a problem that occurred on September 5, 1998 while Mr. Sadler was working at the Transfer Site. The Board reconvened the regular meeting at 10:10 p.m.  On the MOTION of Griffith, supported by Lewis, the Board agreed to place a letter of discipline in Bill Sadler's file with the understanding if it should happen again, Mr. Sadler will be dismissed as an employee. RC AA MC 

On the MOTION of Lewis, supported by Voelker, the meeting was adjourned at 10:13 p.m. AA MC
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Lewis, Clerk