Minutes From Special Hamlin Township Board Meeting 12/30/96 UNofficial web page
You will see the initials RC AA MC throughout this document. They mean Roll Call (RC); All Approve (AA); Motion Carried (MC). This is how it appears on the Township Minutes. Some motions do not require a roll call, just an "all in favor say Aye". 
SPECIAL MEETING                                    December 30, 1996
The Hamlin Township Board met for a special meeting on Monday, December 30, 1996 at 11:30 a.m. at the Hamlin Townhall.
Present: Griffith, Lewis, Anderson, Petersen, Voelker. Ms. Griffith called the meeting to order. 
On the MOTION of Voelker, supported by Petersen, the Board approved the signing of the Buy-Sell Agreement between Hamlin Township and Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fewerda to purchase Lots 1 & 2, Block 13 of the Flat of Weimer, Property #53-007-720-221-00. RC AA MC

On the MOTION of Petersen, supported by Voelker, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35
a.m. AA MC

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Lewis, Clerk