Minutes From Hamlin Township Plannng Commission Meeting 6/11/97 UNofficial web page 
The Wednesday, June 11, 1997 special land use meeting of the Hamlin Township Planning Commission was called to order at 7:40 PM by Chairperson M. McCarthy who then led the pledge to the flag.
Roll Call:
Members Present: W. Abrahamson, M. McCarthy, B. Matthews. C.Miller, M. Rodriguez, J. Voelker
Members Absent: R. Petersen
Others Present: S. Armstrong, C. Williams, J. Koehle, J. Glover, Hinkle family, J. Major

Special Land Use Hearing: Property number 53-007-023-030-00, described as S ½ of NE ¼ of SE ¼ Exc N 250 ft. Sec 23 T19N R 18W. 10.455 Acres M/L, address 3829 N. Jebavy Drive.

Mr. & Mrs. James Hinkle have filed an application with the Hamlin Township Planning Commission for a special land use which if granted, would permit the applicant to maintain up to five horses on this R-1 zoned property as provided under Sec 8.03 Sub Section B of Zoning Ordinance Number 34. This property was previously zoned Agricultural, and then maintained as a legal non-conforming use after the zoning change. This use ceased to exist over 12 months ago.

Correspondence: The Hinkle family submitted a letter describing their need and intentions . Mr. Lauterwasser, neighbor to the north, called to say that he had no objection to horses being kept on the property in question. Letters of support were received from Tim Nash, 3829 Jebavy Drive; Charles Cole. 6242 N. Decker; John & Nancy Dewyer 6412 Jagger Road. A letter of opposition was received from Kathryn Griffith, Hamlin Township Supervisor representing the township property at 3775 N. Jebavy Drive. Also received was a letter from Rex Payne, DVM testifying to the Hinkle excellent care practices and a copy of a contract with Groth Excavation for annual manure removal. All letters are included in this file.

Motion: Motion made by B. Matthews to approve the Hinkles for a cap of five horses with the stipulation that if the odor from the manure is offensive it will be removed more than once a year, and on approval of the 100 feet from a separate property, Stan will find out where that is for you and we will notify you. It was supported by W. Abrahamson.

Vote: W. Abrahamson AYE, M. McCarthy AYE, B. Matthews AYE. C.Miller AYE, M. Rodriguez OPPOSED, J. Voelker AYE. Motion carried.

There being no further business at hand a motion to adjourn was made by B. Matthews supported by Jim Voelker, All in favor - motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:19 PM.

The next meeting of the Hamlin Township Planning Commission will be held on July 2, 1997 at 7:30.

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