Minutes From Hamlin Township Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting 11/9/98 UNofficial web page 
The Monday November 9, 1998 meeting of the Hamlin Township Zoning Board of Appeals held at the Hamlin Township Hall, 3775 N. Jebavy Drive, Ludington, MI 49431 was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman, A. Casperson.
Roll Call:
Members Present: A. Casperson, W. Karlsen, C. Miller, D. Petersen
Members Absent:
Others Present: S. Armstrong;

The first order of business concerned:Mr.& Mrs. Richard Ruiz of 1500 Wellington, Lansing, MI 48910  request variances for their property#53-007-720-241-00 located at 7020 Ohio Street. If granted the request would allow 1) to exceed the 18' height for a waterfront structure by 8' APPROVED and 2) allow an alteration to a nonconforming structure. DENIED

Correspondence: none.

Previous Minutes:

There being no further business at hand,  motioned to adjourn The next meeting will be held upon notification of a pending variance request.

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