Minutes From Hamlin Township Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting 5/19/97 UNofficial web page

The Monday May 19, 1997 meeting of the Hamlin Township Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order at 7:30 PM by A. Casperson.

Roll Call:
Members Present: A. Casperson, W. Karlsen, C. Miller, D. Petersen
Members Absent: J. Thomas
Others Present: S. Armstrong, Mr. & Mrs. Nass, Theresa Bartos, Lynn Benfield, Ron Smith, Greg Erikson, Mary Ellen Cabot
Minutes: A motion was made to accept the minutes of the April 28, 1997 meeting, by W. Karlsen supported by C. Miller, all in favor Motion Carried.

1)The first order of business concerned:

  • Property Number 53-007-300-001-00 address 2613 N. Larch Drive, described as lots 11 & 12 of the subdivision of Larchwood Shores, Sec.33 T19N R18W.
  • Mr. Phillip J. Nass is requesting to build an addition to an existing single family dwelling 24 feet in height, located on a canal connecting to Hamlin Lake. This is 6 feet higher than allowed by Ordinance Number 34. Mr. Nass also wishes to extend the addition to within 23 feet of Larch Drive, violating the 25 ft. setback provided in the Ordinance by 2 feet. .
  • Correspondence: Three letters were received. Two in favor, one oppposed. Letters are in file.
    Motion: C. Miller motioned to approve supported by W. Karlsen.
    Reason: 1)The unique circumstances of the land which prohibit expansion in any other way.
    Vote: Casperson APPROVE; Karlsen APPROVE; Miller APPROVE; Petersen APPROVE Motion Carried

    2)The second order of business concerned:

    Property Number 53-007-120-008-00 & 53-007-120-010-00, described as lots 8,9 & the W 50 feet of lot 10 & the E 16 feet of lot 10.

    Dr. Theresa Bartos is requesting permission to enclose a large portion of her front yard with a six (6) foot high chain link fence. As defined by Ordinance Number 34, this exceeds the allowable height by two (2) feet.

    Correspondence: None Three neighbors appeared to voice opposition to the fence.Ron Smith, Greg Erickson and Mary Ellen Cabot all opposed the fence as not in keeping with the natural. woodland setting of the area.

    Motion: To DENY the requested variance was made by A. Casperson, seconded by C. Miller. Reason: 1)Lack of demostrated hardship.

    Vote: A. Casperson Deny ; W.Karlsen Deny ; C Miller Deny D. Petersen, Deny - Motion Carried

    The next meeting will be held upon notification. There being no further business at hand, A.Casperson motioned to adjourn, supported by W. Karlsen . All members were in favor. Motion Carried.

    The meeting adjourned at 8:06 PM.

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